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Brainchild of a Soul Coach, Abundance Coach, Life Designer, and Therapist Niyati Tanna Kothari, Be Life is conceptualized to helping individuals unlock their utmost potential so that they can live an extraordinary life full of bliss and prosperity. Niyati embarked on a journey to create a lasting positive impact on the lives of others under the guidance of New Age Spiritual Masters “Brahmarshi Chakravarti Dr. Newton Kondaveti, MBBS, MD and Brahma Vidvarishta Dr. Lakshmi Newton, MBBS, founders of Quantum Life University” . She is a visionary and a catalyst for transformation, whose messages, workshops and one-on-one sessions have directly impacted countless people all across the globe. With an unrivalled approach to self-care, her consulting sessions are exceptionally calming, unique and are incredibly rewarding. Be Life is devoted to its vision to help fabricate a world where human souls feel blissful and inspired to do things that inspire them. Be Life offers to coach for the Soul, Mind, Body, and beyond. What more could you ask for?

Coaching Style

With a distinctive unification of healing background, training experience and blend of myriad abilities to encourage, inspire and engage others, Niyati imparts immaculate coaching services that can be backed up with apt development interventions. She is a high-performance coach whose result-driven, thoroughly supportive, empathic, and motivating style empowers her clients to perceive new insights. She believes in co-operative style to discover and explore the real challenges and blockages that stand in the way of her clients while instilling confidence into them. She utilizes her coaching, workshops and her blog to magnify her impact and reach more souls.


One does not require ‘FIXING’. One just needs an authenticate support to prioritize and appreciate oneself.
What one requires is nothing but a self-care Revolution.
Let’s embark on a never-before inner revolution by exploring my Expertise.

Inner Child

As children, we all have experienced a few wounds and traumas no matter owing to what reason. The reasons may range from frequent quarrels between parents, experiencing rejection either by a parent or teacher, being bullied in school or abandoned by a friend. 

Past Life Regression

Our ‘ present self ‘ or our current personality is formed out of all the experiences and incidents of the past. The past not only consists of the past events of the present lifetime but of all the previous lifetimes.

Rebirthing Breathwork

Rebirthing Breathwork is a safe and very natural therapy invented by Leonard Orr as he truly believed that through the correct way of breathing one can cure any issue no matter physical or psychological.

Family Constellation

Family constellation is an amazing, age-old Trans-generational healing technique which was discovered by Bert Hellinger, a German Psychotherapist, Philosopher and Author who penned over 80 books, while working as a missionary with Zulu tribes in South Africa. 

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Non-violent communication

It is the language of connection and is also called as NON-VIOLENT COMMUNICATION or COLLABORATIVE COMMUNICATION. It empowers us with practical skills, powerful consciousness and vocabulary .

Access Bars

The Access Bars are 32 points of energy on the head that connects to different aspects of one’s life. When these points are gently touched, it has the capacity to release the old and the stuck energies in the brain and the body. 

“A True Master Is Not The One With The Most Students But One Who Creates The Most Masters”


                                                                                             -Neale Donald Walsch

Areas of Issues


When you are perfectly aware, you are all of you.

My purpose is to awaken your awareness so that you receive Love and Light in abundance. When becoming aware of who you are by experiencing that miraculous Light and Love, your life gains its true purpose of attaining eternal bliss. Gratitude, Harmony and Acceptance nourish your focus and enable you to perceive the truth in everything you do. It is when you ultimately achieve that awareness of being who you are- your life changes. It is indeed the awareness that nourishes your inner self. Once your energy begins to flow with Purity of Love, you begin to pay attention to such area of life that demands attention, meant to be corrected. It makes you aware of that energy encircling ‘Old Situations’ and ‘Patterns’ that must be released. Leverage the expertise that I have garnered in addressing exhaustive areas of issues to ultimately release what is neither required nor does serve any purpose. Identify the Issue through glancing at the specified ‘Areas of Issues’ addressed by me:-

Inner Child Therapy

  • Insecurity
  • Poor self Image and low self esteem
  • Fear of Rejection
  • Confusion and worries
  • Addictions and Self – sabotage
  • Abandonment issues
  • Emotional numbness and blocked feelings
  • Anger and grief
  • Blocked creative talents,
  • Parenting issues.

Past Life Regression

Personal Issues 

  • Fears and Phobias
  • Chronic Depression
  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • Chronic Illnesses and Pains
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Insomnia
  • Relationship issues, Fertility and Pregnancy
  • Knowing your Life Purpose.

Financial Issues

  • Debt, Losses in business
  • Instable jobs.

Family Constellation

  • Dysfunctional Relationships
  • Family Entanglements, Grief or Loss of Loved one
  • Family dysfunction
  • Abortions
  • Miscarriages
  • Still borns,
  • Ancestral Trauma,
  • Hereditary diseases or Illnesses ( Mental and Physical )
  • Financial Distress
  • Addictions
  • Excessive guilt
  • Unresponsive to other treatments.

Rebirthing Breathwork

  • Chronic Pain
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Trauma and Post – Traumatic stress
  • Grief and Loss Anger and other emotional issues
  • Psychosomatic disorders.

“8 biggies of Human Trauma”

  • Birth Trauma
  • Parental Disapproval Syndrome
  • Specific Negativities
  • The Unconscious Death Urge
  • Past Life Karma
  • School Trauma,
  • Religion Trauma
  • Senility.

Do you experience a strange feeling of emptiness and lack of abundance from time to time ?

If yes, then welcome to the journey within where one single step can transform your life!


No matter in which part of the world you live, you can seek valuable consulting session meant to transform your life, from the comfort of your own home amidst utmost privacy.


With thoughtfully curated workshop topics, Be Life aims to empower the lives of people belonging to diversified age groups and genders by enhancing self-awareness.


Working together one-on-one, Be-Life strives to help you assume accountability to recreate your life while discovering a lifestyle and constructive self-care habits that help you in all aspects related to your life.


Be Life corporate programs and packages enable both teams and individuals to strike a balance between their personal lives and professional lives to achieve bliss, professional success, prosperity, remarkable health and productivity.

Can you remember? 

the last time when you genuinely felt blissful and grateful for what you have in terms of finances, relationships, job, and mental peace? Do you feel that you need a transformation but are clueless about from where to start? If yes then we need to talk! Why not put a dilemma to an end by availing a productive and intuitive 20-minutes free consulting session?

In the next 20 minutes you will:

Are you ready to take a leap of faith?


  •  I am dependent on steroids from last 10 yrs suffering from lung fibrosis. There was negativity in my mind. After Niyati Mam’s session, my perspective towards my disease and life changed completely. The best aspect of the session was that I could avail it online due to located in a different city. She is amongst the best human beings, I have met so far. Thank you so much for transforming my life positively.

    Prasann Kotak

  • I know Niyati from last 6 years and I’ve taken Inner Child sessions from her. I feel really connected to her whenever I am talking to her. I feel, she’s the best go to person in my life whenever I need any guidance or advice. The best quality about Niyati is, she’s non – judgmental and really patient. And these are the best qualities as a Therapist also. Thank you so much Niyati for always guiding me.

    Riddhi SP Chavda

    Actor and Dancer
  • When I first met Niyati, I didn’t know that, it was the turning point in my life. Her gentle speech and assuring words changed my thoughts. The next morning when I got up, I found myself on the new path of positivity, happiness and abundance, made me forget that till the previous evening I was feeling helpless and lonely. With all the faith, I did what she said and it worked wonderfully. I got freed from many ill thoughts which I was carrying since many years.
    I had a great experience of childhood regression with her, it helped me to get rid off many complications from my childhood.
    I thank Niyati to ushered me to the right path to get the answers of many of questions. Niyati is a big name adding value to my life.

    I pray God for her long life to enlighten the dejected lives.

    Priya Kotkar

    Interior Designer
  • Niyati Tanna Kothari is a rare find. She combines professionalism with top notch skill and sensitivity to create genuine results. In her sessions, there is no beating about the bush, just candid listening and deep understanding. I recognise Niyati as one of a handful of elite practitioners who can analyse a problem accurately and work energetically to make corrections at grassroots level. I am grateful for the remarkable changes she has helped me to bring in my life through myriad sessions including Past Life Regression or Family Constellation, Inner Child or Prosperity. I am certainly looking forward to taking a few more sessions from her in the forthcoming future.

    Hiranshi Mehta

    Copy Writer and Image Consultant