Free Workshops


Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len, a Hawaiian Therapist healed an entire ward of mental patients without even meeting or looking at them. Miraculous right?
Yes, it is. He just studied the files of the patients from a distance and practised a beautiful technique called Ho’oponopono. The patients started to have remarkable shifts in their behaviour and health and even the ambience of that hospital got better and better with time.
Are you wondering how it worked? The concept behind this technique is that whatever happens in your reality, a part of you is responsible for it’s creation. As it is rightly said that “The outer world is a reflection of your Inner World” This means that whatever comes to your attention, whatever you see, feel, hear or experience, it happens within yourself and is a part of your reality.

It could be any news that you are watching or any situation you come across in life, your experience and your perception about it, is your own responsibility. It comes as a bitter truth to some but might also turn out to be revolutionary if taken in the right spirit. Whatever is happening with respect to Coronavirus (Covid 19) is like a collective consciousness at play. The best part about taking responsibility is that we do not feel helpless and we take back the power in our hands with an understanding that “If a part of us is responsible in creating it then, the same part in us can contribute in healing it” With this Intention, we have created a 11 days WhatsApp group for Ho’oponopno practice and meditation.

Attitude of Gratitude

Thank You, Dhanyawad, Shukriya.

You may be using these words to express your gratitude towards someone or something. However, very few are aware of the power of these magical words or rather say the power of gratitude. Do you aim to set yourself free from the shackles of negative thoughts? Do you want to make an impactful shift from feeling limited to feeling limitless? If yes, then you are all set to perform miracles in life owing to the vibration generated out of the high frequencies born out of gratitude. Come and experience the magic by yourself by joining the 28 days free program “Attitude of Gratitude” that draws inspiration from none other than a life-changing book named ‘The Magic’ penned by Rhonda Byrne.