In- Person Workshops

In-Person Workshops

Happy Little Hearts

I experience immense bliss while making the most of my unique gift of higher self-awareness in enriching and empowering the lives of little children whom I fondly address to as ‘Happy Little Hearts’. We have a special program named “Happy Little Hearts” for children where we empower them with life skills tools to help them boost positivity and build lasting self-confidence so that they may strike a perfect balance in all the spheres through ultimately developing a well-rounded personality. This tailor-made program teaches them how to deal with the emotions positively to respond to the life challenges with great awareness, clarity and of course remarkable positivity. The approach with Children is completely Love-based as opposed to the orthodox fear-based. Children are guided with compassion by implementing a range of creative techniques.
My Life Purpose is to shift the entire system of education to Love-based learning through my compassion and connection with children so that they can experience oneness in their uniqueness.