My story

My Story

Until teenage, I was a girl full of dreams who knew how to laugh her heart out. At the age of 21, I suffered from depression and anxiety, interspersed with periodic panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. “How are you?”, was a question that began to irk me beyond imagination? I tried everything I could, to battle my ‘Depression’. However, this was not a short-lived episode that therapies from multiple healers, a few healing courses, and pills could tone it down. I was forced to flash a smile in the outer world but deep within behind closed door, I would cry inconsolably for hours & hours due to the feelings of worthlessness, lack of self-love, and self-care. My depression went on to get worse with each passing day until suicide seemed like the only exit.

It took an extensive soul-searching, a couple of therapies and multiple realizations of self-discovery to embark on my ‘SPIRITUAL JOURNEY’. Reading a wonderful book named “You can heal your life” by Louise Hay made me realize how my self-thoughts and my interpretation of life situations were responsible for creating my life including my suffering. 

My Life underwent a complete transformation when I heard Eckhart Tolle and his teachings; that underneath the various conditions that make up the life situation which exists in time, there is something deeper “My true Being”. Suffering became my greatest spiritual teacher as it transformed me into something incredible.

“What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls butterfly.”
– Richard Bach

I was not sure that I still believed in the concept of professional intervention until I crossed my path with “Brahmarshi Chakravarti Dr. Newton Kondaveti, MBBS, MD and Brahma Vidvarishta Dr. Lakshmi Newton, MBBS, founders of Quantum Life University.” whom I consider as my greatest support system and my ‘Spiritual Gurus’. There is a Zen Proverb that When the student is ready the teacher will appear but the full version of proverb is When the student is truly ready… The teacher will Disappear.

With their unconditional love and non-judgmental presence, I could identify the roots of the issue to gain in-depth insights into my problems and illness. They not only helped me heal but also trained me to become a Therapist. The moment, I empowered myself to live my life to the fullest while embracing gratitude, I vowed to empower many like me to live life rather than merely existing in this magnificent universe. From that moment, I began learning relevant skills to make that happen. I trained as a certified therapist, to conduct Past Life Regression Sessions, Inner Child Work and Family Constellations. Looking at my life as a series of lessons I can let go of any regrets that I have had & I can be grateful for the life I had and all the opportunities to learn. But best of all I can be grateful for the masters “Brahmarshi Chakravarti Dr. Newton Kondaveti, MBBS, MD and Brahma Vidvarishta Dr. Lakshmi Newton, MBBS, founders of Quantum Life University.”

I am now following my dreams and I am currently working as a Life Designer, Abundance Coach, Rebirthing breath worker, and a Shamanic practitioner. Every modality that I learnt helped me in my evolution process and made me what I am today. Therefore I wish to share my valuable learning through spreading love, care and compassion to whosoever allows me and is ready to be the recipient of my guidance.

I now work with people in-person, in-house, online to help people come out of their blocks to make them gain ultimate awareness of their highest potential, i.e. their True Self so that they discover their brilliance, uniqueness, and strength.

My Wish is to have a Community
Filled with an Abundance of Love and Beauty
Where takes place immense Support and Sharing
And people are always Caring
The Idea is to Nurture and be Nurtured
So at all levels, we be Cured…….