Online Workshops

Proseperity Consiousness - "Say yes to Money"

What’s keeping you away from being Rich? In most cases, it’s simply a lack of belief. In order to become rich, you must believe you can do it and you must take actions necessary to achieve your goal.
– Suze Orman

• Did you know you deserve the best and you are worthy of everything in Life?
• Did you know you can be rich and spiritual at the same time?
• Did you know all good work can be done with money for self and others?

Are you willing
• to clear your path to making more money and releasing the patterns creating money blocks in your life
• to tap into the realm of infinite possibilities
• to achieve financial intimacy

then we invite you to join our 21 days What’s app Workshop on Prosperity Consciousness – Say Yes to Money.

Takeaways from the workshop:
• Understand how money and abundance works for you
• Heal your relationship with money
• Learn to balance giving and receiving in your life
• Happy & Successful – Career and Personal Life

Mindfullness and Meditation

It’s time to take a PAUSE, Unplug Yourself and Tune into Your Inner Being to Recharge and Rejuvenate Yourself.
In today’s busy world, We are constantly in the doing mode, completely enslaved to our own work. We have lost touch with our own self as most of the time,we are focused towards the outside world.
This causes us to feel exhausted, stressed, confused, lost and sometimes even anxious and depressed. Like our physical body, our mind too needs exercise but unlike the physical activity, we can do our mindfulness practices in our normal clothes and wherever we are, without sweating or making any drastic changes in our daily schedule.
If you have been thinking of incorporating Meditation and Mindfulness into your daily life to become consistent with your practice, then join our 21 days WhatsApp Workshop on Mindfulness and Meditation

The real meditation is how you live your life
~Jon Kobat-Zinn

This workshop will help you:

  • Achieve Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being.
  • Easily weave Meditation and Mindfulness into your daily life.
  • Achieve 4 C’s of Mental wellbeing ( Calm, Clear, Confident and Creative ).
  • Bring a Balance in Your Life.
  • Prioritise Yourself and Things that matters to You.
  • Become more Productive in Your Work.
  • Feel the Love and Happiness in every activity you do.

Waking up the feminine essence within

Men and Women all over the world have been denying their feminine essence. It is the feminine characteristics in an individual that makes him/her more nurturing and connected to the feelings and emotions, compassionate towards fellow beings, work in collaboration as against competition and be in a surrender and receptive mode.

If you,

  • feel out of balance on a physical
  • Mental or emotional level
  • feel that you need some one to nurture
  • understand and love you for who you are
  • are willing to awaken your innate creativity

If yes then it is time to awaken the suppressed feminine side within you and reclaim the lost balance..

Embracing Life

“Embrace the glorious mess that you are”
~Elizabeth Gilbert

  • Do you often find yourself criticising or comparing?
  • Do you start defending yourself at the drop of a hat?
  • Do you feel the need to be perfect all the time?
  • Do you often have the need for certainty?
  • Do you often feel the need to run away from physical or emotional pain?
  • Do you find it difficult to let go ?

Acceptance means acknowledging what is happening in the present moment and allowing it to be as it is, without fighting reality. Have you ever imagined, who would you be without your judgments and stories?

Join us on a 21 days step by step, Journey from Separation to Wholeness

This transformational WhatsApp workshop will enable you to:

  • Overcome Resistance and Stuck Feeling
  • Learn to say “No” and set Healthy Boundaries
  • Let go of the fear of “what people think about you”
  • Be Authentic
  • Develop Self Compassion